伊莉莎白公主21歲生日 演辭背後的男人
- On April 20, 2020
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1947年4月21日,未成為英女王的伊莉莎白公主21歲生日,在南非開普敦總督府經BBC於大氣電波作出廣播,誓言矢志畢生奉獻,以傳統價值及家庭觀念鞏固英聯邦,溫婉地回應戰後支離動盪的局勢。而這篇少女演說,其實是由51歲的《泰晤士報》寫手Dermot Morrah寫成。
1896年4月26日,Dermot Morrah生於英倫南端的懷特島郡(Isle of Wight)。他就讀牛津大學新學院(New College)主修數學,曾任辯論社會長,1915年考獲二級榮譽。一戰爆發時,他參軍加入皇家工程兵(Royal Engineers),1916-1918年於中東服役,於加沙地帶受輕傷。戰後,他回牛津繼續學業,主修科目轉為現代歷史,並於1921年考獲一級榮譽。同年,Dermot榮獲Prize Fellow of All Souls殊榮,於學院享有薪津及免費食宿,更與「阿拉伯的勞倫斯」T. E. Lawrence同房。

1947年3月10日,亦即廣播前一個月,英王私人秘書Sir Alan Lascelles致函Dermot,十分滿意演講,認為無懈可擊(no single word should be altered)。初稿曾經差點在酒吧遺失,而伊利沙伯公主閱後更感觸哭泣。
Dermot除了在《泰晤士報》工作了29年,更編修了不少皇室歷史書籍及處理儀典。1953年,英女王任命Dermot為Arundel Herald Extraordinary非常任紋章官,令他有特別身份列進她的加冕禮。Dermot終其一生,從未公開寫手身份,直至孫輩近年披露。以下節錄演辭精華:
“I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.”
“… Will you, the youth of the British family of nations, let me speak on my birthday as your representative? Now that we are coming to manhood and womanhood it is surely a great joy to us all to think that we shall be able to take some of the burden off the shoulders of our elders who have fought and worked and suffered to protect our childhood.”
“… If we all go forward together with an unwavering faith, a high courage, and a quiet heart, we shall be able to make of this ancient commonwealth, which we all love so dearly, an even grander thing – more free, more prosperous, more happy and a more powerful influence for good in the world – than it has been in the greatest days of our forefathers.”

A speech by HM The Queen on her 21st Birthday, 1947:
My grandfather wrote the Princess’s speech, The Oldie:
Morrah, Dermot Michael Macgregor (1896–1974), journalist and herald | Oxford Dictionary of National Biography: