- On February 7, 2020
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位處維港東面的咽喉,鯉魚門軍事地位顯赫,根據1845年皇家工程兵團(Royal Engineers)哥連臣中尉(Lieutanent Thomas Bernard Collinson)繪製的地圖,開埠初年鯉魚門軍營的位置已有多間小型房屋,而標示為軍營的建築較接近今天的柴灣,現已無跡可尋。
1887年,鯉魚門堡壘(Lyemun Fort)即現時的香港海防博物館及多個砲台相繼落成,英軍為砲兵提供住宿,興建了鯉魚門軍營多棟兵房。建於1890至1895年的法定古蹟第七座(Block 7)前砲兵軍官宿舍,和第二十五座(Block 25)軍官餐廳,皆為維多利亞時代第一代香港殖民地建築。古典主義設計美觀又實用,位處山上,面向鯉魚門海峽,盛夏時仍然比較清涼。

1930年代曾在鯉魚門軍營服役的皇家砲兵團(Royal Artillery)西蒙上士(Sergeant Andrew Salmon),回憶道: 「…軍營頗為廣闊,鯉魚門是皇家砲兵團的基地,共有兩個砲台(白沙灣和西灣)。而且規劃得很好,位處山丘上……所有兵房都有風扇,那裡其實挺清涼。」
好景不常,1941年香港保衛戰期間,日軍229步兵聯隊第二大隊於12月18日晚上登陸筲箕灣,攻佔鯉魚門軍營。當時加拿大皇家來福槍團第一營C連(C Company, 1st Battalion of the Royal Rifles of Canada)駐守軍營附近,加拿大兵多為新兵,寡不敵眾又不熟悉地形,戰至凌晨,奉命撤退。12月19日,C連約120人,僅剩下4名軍官和64名士兵報到,損失慘重。

幸好,軍營未遭受嚴重破壞,戰後1948年一度用作為第五軍事法庭(No.5 War Crime Court),曾經審判戰時日軍上海憲兵隊司令三浦三郎中將(Lieutenant General Kinoshita Kiichi),並將他判處終身監禁。
戰後,英軍繼續使用鯉魚門軍營,駐軍包括華人訓練隊(The Chinese Training Unit),亦即香港軍事服務團(The Hong Kong Military Service Corps)前身。該部隊由本地華人組成,屬全職軍人,主要負責設施守衛、運輸、還有巡邏香港邊境的軍犬隊,協助駐港英軍防務。部隊於1997年3月解散,著名成員包括曾獲大英帝國勳章(MBE)的林秉惠上尉(Captain Albert Lam)。

1980年代,英軍逐步從香港撤軍,第七愛丁堡公爵直屬啹喀來福槍團第二營(2nd Battalion of the 7th Duke of Edinburgh’s Own Gurkha Rifles)告別鯉魚門軍營後,軍營交還香港政府。
東區走廊1984年通車後,鯉魚門堡壘與軍營一分為二,堡壘改建成香港海防博物館,籌劃者包括皇家香港軍團(義勇軍)(Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers)榮譽上校,兼康樂及文化事務署考古、本地史及軍事史顧問白德醫生(Dr. Solomon Matthew Bard)。軍營則成為了鯉魚門渡假村,1988年啟用,備有籃球場,攀登場,公眾騎術學校等康樂設施。第五座(Block 5)前駐軍禮堂是二級歷史建築,可借出予公眾作婚禮場地。

2020年1月23日,渡假村被特區政府用作檢疫中心,昔日平整的操場(Parade Ground)被挖掘至體無完膚,蓋上貨櫃屋。希望疫情告一段落後,政府可以妥善復修,還百年軍營一個清靜。
皇家砲兵團西蒙上士(Sgt Andrew Salmon, 1919-2000)
鯉魚門軍營一文刊出後,成功輾轉聯絡到其中一位受訪人物的親人,取得珍貴相片。 特別鳴謝Mr. Tony Banham 先生。
西蒙上士1934年加入皇家砲兵團,時年十五歲。1937年,他來港服役,曾在鯉魚門軍營 生活。1941年香港保衞戰 後,他被關進深水埗戰俘營。翌年,他被迫登上里斯本丸,送往日本做苦工,船隻中途為美軍潛艇所擊沉,他大難不死被漁民救起後又再成為日軍俘虜。1945年太平洋戰爭結束後,他從大阪戰俘營返回英國。1949年,他輾轉回港擔任懲教工作,直至1974年退休,官至高級監督(階級標示相當於中校)。2000年西蒙逝世,享年81歲。
Sergeant Andrew Salmon (1919-2000) , Royal Artillery. Sergeant Salmon joined the Royal Artillery at the age of 15; He was posted to Hong Kong in 1937 and was once lived in Lyemun Barracks; After the Battle for Hong Kong in 1941, Salmon was incarcerated in Sham Shui Po POW Camp; In 1942, he was forced to go on board the Lisbon Maru. Heading for Japan as hard labours. The ship was sunk by a US submarine, Salmon was luckily saved by fishermen but soon recaptured by the Japanese; After the end of the Pacific War, he retured to UK from Osaka POW Camp; Later in 1949, Salmon returned to Hong Kong and worked for HM Prison Department until his retirement in 1974 as Senior Superintendent; Sergeant Salmon passed away in 2000, at the age of 81.
In 1981, the Imperial War Museum interviewed Sergeant Salmon, he recalled something about Lyemun Barracks “……the barracks were quite extensive. Lyemun was of Royal Artillery Regiment Station. There are two completed batteries (Pak Sha Wan and Sai Wan AA batteries) and it was very well layouted. Very area on top of a hill……they did have fans in all the barrack blocks so it was quite cool actually”.

Garneau, Grant S. The Royal Rifles of Canada in Hong Kong, 1941-1945. Carp, Ont.: Published by Baird OKeefe Pub. on Behalf of the Hong Kong Veterans Commemorative Association, 2001.
Kwong, Chi Man, and Yiu Lun Tsoi. Eastern Fortress: a Military History of Hong Kong, 1840-1970. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2014.
Antiquities and Monuments Office “Heritage Impact Assessment in respect of the Block 3 at Old Lei Yue Mun Barracks”, 2016.
“Lam, Albert 林秉惠 – British Chinese Heritage Centre: British Chinese Heritage Centre.” Lam, Albert 林秉惠 – British Chinese Heritage Centre | British Chinese Heritage Centre. Accessed February 7, 2020. http://www.britishchineseheritagecentre.org.uk/interviews/military/british-army-陸軍/item/captain-albert-lam-mbe.
Linton, Suzannah, and University of Hong Kong Libraries. “Hong Kong’s War Crimes Trials Collection.” Omeka RSS. Accessed February 7, 2020. https://hkwctc.lib.hku.hk/exhibits/show/hkwctc/documents/item/85.
“Salmon, Andrew (Oral History).” Imperial War Museums. Accessed February 7, 2020. https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/80005159.
Tymon. “Hong Kong Historic Maps – Reference 1845 – ‘Collinson Map.’” HK Maps. Accessed February 7, 2020. http://www.hkmaps.hk/map_1845.html.
〈香港原來有四代殖民地建築!〉- etvonline.hk . Accessed February 7, 2020.
〈歷史〉香港海防博物館 – 關於我們 – 歷史. Accessed February 7, 2020. https://hk.coastaldefence.museum/zh_TW/web/mcd/history.html#/nogo.
〈鯉魚門公園〉 度假營 – 鯉魚門公園. Accessed February 7, 2020. https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/tc/camp/p_lymp.php.